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D.O.M.E - Dental, Oral, Medical Epidemiological (DOME) study

The DOME, the first nationwide EMR based dental study in Israel, aimed to assess the dental, periodontal and oral morbidities, and their associations with systemic morbidities using advance computational tools .

The DOME is a comprehensive database that includes 900,000 individuals from the Israeli IDF, for which there are socio-demographic, dental data, general medical diagnoses, blood tests and health survey questionnaires throughout 10 Years between the years 2010-2020.

About The Research

The aim of the Dental, Oral, Medical Epidemiological (DOME) "project is to measure the extent of oral, their risk factors, and their association with demographics and various systemic conditions. The DOME project is a nationwide records-based study, which includes data from socio-demographic data, dental and medical records of all patients attending IDF dental clinics, as well as a control group of general military personnel. Complete information on the protocol and study methods of the DOME has been published [publications: ]. Records were extracted from three computerized military databases: the central socio-demographic database of the IDF, a medical record (Clinical Patient Record-CPR), and a dental record (Dental Patient Record-DPR). The database includes more than 200,000 subjects. Collected data included oral, dental, and orofacial pathologies, such as lichen planus, aphthous stomatitis, temporomandibular joint disorders, obstructive sleep apnea, oral soft tissue diseases, leukoplakia, caries, periodontal disease, missing teeth, teeth brushing patterns, cryogenic diet, and acidic drinks habits, dental attendance, and dental treatments. The DOME  research analyses the associations between these oral-health related conditions and sociodemographic parameters as well as behavioral parameters and systemic general health-related conditions, such as cognitive function [publications: ], and the metabolic syndrome components and consequences such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity [publications:  and   and     ]. The database medical diagnoses as well as laboratory results (lipid profile, glucose profile, CRP, and more) as well as medical and dental attendance patterns.  In a series of papers, my co-authors and I coined the term “SOS teeth” as the first priority teeth for treatment, and analyzed the age and sex differences in the prevalence of SOS teeth as well as the sociodemographic indicators, health-related habits, and dental attendance patterns associated with SOS teeth [publications  and]. We have also analyzed the associations between SOS teeth and metabolic syndrome [publication]. The impact of accumulations of dental pathologies, i.e “dental cluster” versus the “metabolic cluster”, was also studied by analyzing the associations of planned and delivered dental procedures with metabolic syndrome, utilizing data from the DOME nationwide study [publication ]. Currently, Dr. Almoznino is supervising theses of MSc and Ph.D. students as well as DMD students and post-graduate students using the DOME database.  

©2022 by Almoznino's lab

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